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Tasting of Vino Nobile at the Fortress of Montepulciano

4 February 2019

There are many good reasons to visit Montepulciano and discover all the wonders of this hamlet deep in the unique scenario of Val di Chiana, but the occasion of the Vino Nobile Preview at the Fortress of Montepulciano is one of those you cannot say no to. The appointment that brings together the passion of the operators of the sector and that of the public for this product of excellence of Tuscany is back again this year.

Noble Wine tasting

Tasting of Vino Nobile at the Fortress of Montepulciano

There will also be our Tenuta Tre Rose among the forty-four local producers which will be present at the event taking place next Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th February in the rooms of the Fortress of Montepulciano, built in 1261 by the Republic of Siena, repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt, lastly by Antonio da Sangallo il Vecchio upon the commission of the Medici family from which its appellation “Medicea” originates.

Here it will be possible to taste a preview of the Vino Nobile of 2016 ready to be put on the market after the two years of bottle aging foreseen by the Production regulation for this red wine which must always take place, according to the same guidelines, in the area of Montepulciano. There will also be the 2015 Riserva – in this case, a period of three years aging has been established – and the other local wines, such as Rosso di Montepulciano and Vin Santo, to be discovered thanks to the different wine producers that will participate in the event.

Anteprima Vino Nobile 2019

Credits: www.facebook.com/vinonobile

In Montepulciano to celebrate Vino Nobile and great cinema

Credits: www.facebook.com/vinonobile

With the wine production of 2016, awarded with four stars, also the fifty years from the recognition, in 1966, of the Denomination of Controlled Origin (D.O.C.) for the Vino Nobile di Montepulciano are celebrated. A few years later, in 1980, the Vino Nobile was the first one to be granted the Controlled and Guaranteed Denomination of Origin (D.O.C.G.), a synonymous of quality and provenance for this wine with truly unique characteristics.

Further, within the context of the Preview 2019 of Vino Nobile, the Pro Loco Association of Montepulciano has proclaimed the fourteenth edition of the contest “Belle vetrine” inviting the city’s traders to set up their own themed shop windows, dedicated this year to the city of “Montepulciano in the Italian and International cinematography”. The window that during the two days of the event will be voted more by visitors, thanks to a coupon to be placed in a special ballot box at the Fortress, will be rewarded on Sunday at 4.00 pm.

Vino Nobile Cantina Tre Rose

For the public, the event will begin Saturday, February 9th from 3:00 pm to 7:30 pm, whereas the day of Sunday 10th will be entirely dedicated to the discovery of wine, from 11:00 to 6:30 pm. The workers of the sector, instead, will be able to participate in the Preview of Vino Nobile on Monday 11th. On the website of the event, you can download the map of the parking areas (free and paid) from which shuttles will be available to take visitors to the Fortress. Lastly, bar service will be available, as well as a buffet with tickets purchasable at the entrance.

Credits preview photo: Valeri Rossano, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=51398587.


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