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Montepulciano awarded with the Orange Flag for its excellency in tourism

23 January 2018

The hamlet of Montepulciano has once again won the Orange Flag mark of excellence, awarded by the Italian Touring Club to small Italian towns that stand out for high quality hospitality services and environment, an award created with the aim of promoting the sustainable development of tourism all over the world.

In 2018, in Italy, there are 227 hamlets that got the Orange Flag; Montepulciano it is a reconfirmation that certifies the importance of tourist hospitality and the great charm hold by monuments, palaces and squares, remained unaltered over centuries.The Touring Club explained the choice of Montepulciano claiming that: “the numerous historical and cultural attractions combined with a well-preserved historical center where to find numerous traditional shops selling typical products are the distinctive features of the town. Visitors can also count on dedicated information points and a clear and efficient system of tourist signs”.

Montepulciano premiata con la Bandiera Arancione, marchio di eccellenza

Credits: Anna & Michal https://flic.kr/p/9N4eiq

Why visit Montepulciano even in winter

We take this opportunity to invite you exploring Montepulciano even in the coldest season, as many of the peculiarities of this hamlet are not necessarily linked to spring or summer.

Let’s imagine visiting Montepulciano starting from the church of San Biagio, an example of Renaissance Greek cross central plan, a masterpiece designed by Antonio da San Gallo the Elder at the foot of the hill.

From here we begin the ascent, walking the streets of Gracciano, Voltaia, Opio nel Corso, where we will see the Renaissance palaces, designed by ingenious architects such as the aforementioned Sangallo, Vignola and Peruzzi.

Tempio di San Biagio

Credits: by Adrian Michael (Own work) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html), CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/), via Wikimedia Commons

Once in Piazza Grande, if we climb the top of the Palazzo Comunale tower, we will be able to look at the horizon towards Monte Amiata, Lake Trasimeno and Mount Subasio.

In this square we have to suggest a visit to the Duomo, then admire the Nobili-Tarugi palace, not open to the public, a noble residence dating back to the XVI century.

About the historic center, it’s interesting to note that it has the shape of an “S” and is enclosed within three circles of walls, built in the XVI century.

The uniqueness of this hamlet, however, also consists in the existence of craft shops, which here and in other Tuscan towns are still working: craftsmen specialized in iron and wood products, mosaic workshops and shops that sell products made on site.

In this overview you shouldn’t miss the food and wine specialties, such as those we recommended in the post The specialties of Val di Chiana, and wines, of which you will find an excellent selection in the historic cellar of Borgo Tre Rose.

Credits: traveljournophotog via Instagram

The Orange Flag recognition to Montepulciano is worth as a promise of eternal beauty, great care of hospitality and faithfulness to local peculiarities, which every year convinces many travelers from all over the world to return to Tuscany.

Further info about Bandiere arancioni: www.bandierearancioni.it

Credits preview photo: SebDech https://flic.kr/p/3hcW7S


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